Religions & Philosophy
Links to the religions of the world, the future of world religions, major data, worldviews and philosophy.
www.globalreligiousfutures.org: studies the future of world religions and explores the rapidly changing religious profile of the world through 2050.
www.allaboutworldview.org: studies different issues that affect a person’s view on life and the world. Contains sections about world religions.
www.projectworldview.org: offers a list of questions for analyzing world views.
https://plato.stanford.edu/ The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy combines an online encyclopedia of philosophy with peer-reviewed publication of original papers in philosophy.
https://www.philosophybasics.com/ The Basics of Philosophy: A huge subject broken down into manageable chunks.
https://historyofphilosophy.net/ Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King’s College London looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers.